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Use app by hand

4 Respuestas
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Registrado: hace 5 años
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I don't understand how to use the app by hand (without wheeler).
If I select a destination with the navigator, the app open the page of Google map.
How can I return, during navigation, to home page of the app to make a phone call (and then go back to navigation) without use the wheeler?
Is it possible?

Thanks in advance.


Miembro Admin
Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 415

Hello, if you go to the settings section of the MMLink app, you have an option "Show overlay button", if you enabled it, when the app in the foreground is not the MMLink app, it will show an icon of a motorcycle in "overlay" mode over the foreground app (google maps, navigation app, etc.). If you click this button it will return to the MMLink app. This overaly button is only displayed if the phone is in horizontal, if you put it in vertical this button will be hidden. Also you can drag&drop the button to move it at the position of the screen that works better for you (this new position will be saved for future use).


New Member
Registrado: hace 5 años
Respuestas: 2
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Thanks Fran for your answer.
But when i want to return back to the navigator how can I do?

Miembro Admin
Registrado: hace 6 años
Respuestas: 415

When you say navigator is Google Maps? are you using the Navigation option to open Google Maps? in this case, if Google Maps is running and with an active route (navigation), if you select the Navigation option in the MMLink app, it will show first a screen with the indications of the current route in google maps. In this screen is you select/click the right option it will return to Google Maps, if you select the left option it will ask to close/stop the current route. To see the options availabe in each screen, you can enable the option "Show actions guide" (select "universal" for example) and it will show for each screen (in the bottom bar) the available actions supported for this screen.
