Hello to all.
Sorry for English but I don't speak Spanish.
I'm trying to install the system on a F850GS and the first tests are positives.
For access to the CAN bus I tried to access through the speed sensor control unit (the RDC control unit is hard to find).
The pinout and also the colors of the wiring are different.
From the tests I did got:
1 - brown (negative -12V)
2 - white (CAN L)
3 - red (positive + 12V)
4 - blue (CAN H)
I made a temporary connection and everything seems to be working.
The phone is connected and the BMW wheel command work.
I hope to be able to complete the final assembly in the coming weeks to carry out more in-depth tests.
I hope I was helpful.
Hello everybody!
Can you send us photos?
It's very interesting for me, and I will try to do it too.
Thanks for the info.
I've only few photo. I haven't yet had time to complete the installation. The control unit is located under the saddle on the brake side